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Main » 2011 » October » 19 » John Lennon's Humor (1964)
8:33 PM
John Lennon's Humor (1964)
John Lennon's Humor (1964)
On Tuesday, August 18, 1964,the Beatles landed
in Manitoba, Winnipeg Canada,to begin their North American
At the Winnipeg airport,,John has some fun,with the reporter.
On February 5, 2010 a mysterious visitor came
 to Washington D.C. and stopped the
government's corruption.

The halls of the Rayburn Congressional Building
were totally deserted, every door closed.
HOWEVER, the "mystery man" noticed
a light at the end of a dark hallway.
One door was open. Only ONE congressman
cared enough about you to work even after
John Lennon Interview, 6/6/1968
Full interview can be read here:

"I think our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. And I think that's what I sussed when I was sixteen and twelve, way down the line. But I expressed it differently all through my life. It's the same thing I'm expressing all the time. But now I can put it into that sentence that I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends, you know. If anybody can put on paper what our government, and the American government, and the Russian, Chinese... what they are actually trying to do,
and how and what they think they're doing,
I'd be very pleased to know what
they think they're doing.....
   I think they're all insane.
But I am liable to be put away
as insane for expressing that, you know. That's what is insane about it."// -- John Lennon 
And your bird can sing - The Beatles (Funny) 
The Beatles tried to sing over the top of another recording of the same song. 

TheBeatles/♪And Your Bird Can Sing outtake/u
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