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Main » 2011 » July » 25 » Norway Shooting Tragedy, 86 dead (July 22, Utøya).
10:06 PM
Norway Shooting Tragedy, 86 dead (July 22, Utøya).
Norway Shooting Tragedy,
86 dead
(July 22, Utøya).
Alright, the story briefly so far - the bomb has exploded in Oslo at around 3PM GMT time. The entire city was in chaos, and all of the emergency units were sent to Oslo. The killer was dressed as a police officer, he used a boat to arrive at the island where a political summer camp is held. When he arrived at the island, some people helped him unload his boat which contained creates with ammunition as well as a rifle and a machine gun. The kids at the camp were aware of the situation in Oslo. Everyone was in panic.

The killer asked everyone to come forward and gather around, he said that he would explain the situation. When most of the people gathered, he started firing the machine gun. After 10 minutes, he took the rifle and started shooting those who tried to swim to the mainland. The distance between the camp and mainland was around 800 meters. The killer also made sure that everyone around him was truly dead, basically those who were pretending to be dead were shot in the head. Currently, he is world record holder for killing 86+ people by himself. He is currently in custody, being questioned. The reason for his actions is political.

The killer is aged 32 and his name is Anders Behring Breivik. He is also a member of the Scottish Rite (Freemason),

Views: 521 | Added by: defaultNick | Rating: 5.0/1
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