Pawn and Two: I had seen this game before, so it was easier for me to find 30.Rxf7!. However, it took me a while before I found or recalled the move 31.Qf1!, after 30.Rxf7 Rc1+.
It is interesting to analyze why 30.Bxf7+? does not give white any winning chances. White would even lose after 30.Bxf7+? Kh8 31.Be6? Qf4! or 30...Rc1!.
Patriot: |
chrisowen: Elegant aint it good to be bombing back over these classic ones in
Bobby team compute the brickd top isn't it addressing down oh the
needs often the position he pierces the veil hoping to make big
rookf7 stride secure the bacon and it does the nut in Rc1+ Qf1!
chrisowen: Lodge the black rook appeals alive a glad welcome waste in want not
dynamite in Fischer you " bim " build in mind an approach to
deconstruct in weak it points here time many og hurt under Bobby
spell et alia fall it in the wee hours James' back cricked maybe
baby h5 cruel lame watch over sat i lead the cause too fightback
starts here treble cull h5 Qxc1 Qh4 Rxf8+ kh7 h3 Qg3 hxg4.
Jimfromprovidence: <Morfishine>
<However, on your comment after <30...h6>, Black is losing after <31.Rc4 Rxc4 32.Qxc4 Rxf7 33.Qc8+ Kh7 34.Bxf7> Doesn't Black's drawing chances increase dramatically after <34...Nf6>?>
Both <Dakgootje> and <Eyal> discussed the correct 35 Qf5+ response.
click for larger view
After 35...g6 36 Qxg5 hxg5 37 Bd5 white’s in great shape.
He can push his a pawn and black’s knight gets tied up to prevent its promotion (or black gives up the knight for the pawn). As a result, white’s bishop and king can start picking off pawns.
agb2002: A very familiar position but I'll give it a try.
White has a bishop for a knight.
The convergence of the rook on f1 and the bishop on f7 suggests 30.Rxf7, threatening 31.Rf5+:
A) 30... Rc1+ 31.Qf1 (31.Rf1+ Kh8 32.Rd1 (32.Re1 Qh4) 32... Rxd1+ 33.Qxd1 Nf2+)
A.1) 31... Rxf1+ 32.Rxf1+
A.1.a) 32... Kh8 33.Rxf8#.
A.1.b) 32... Qxd5 33.Rxf8+ Kxf8 34.exd5 + - [R+P vs N].
A.1.c) 32... Rf7 33.Rxf7 and Black is mated or loses the queen.
A.2) 31... Nf6 32.Rxf6+ wins.
A.3) 31... h5 32.Qxc1
A.3.a) 32... Qxc1+ 33.Rf1+ Kh8 34.Rxc1 + - [N+B+P vs N].
A.3.b) 32... Qh4 33.h3 and Black's attack goes nowhere.
B) 30... Qxd5 31.Rxf8+ Kxf8 32.Qf1+ Qf7 33.Ra8+ Ke7 34.Ra7+ wins.
C) 30... Qc1+ 31.Qf1
C.1) 31... Qxf1+ 32.Rxf1+ Rf7 33.Ra8+ and mate next.
C.2) 31... Rxf7 32.Ra8+ Rc8 33.Qxc1 wins.
D) 30... h5 31.Rf5+ Kh7 32.Rxf8 (32.Rxg5 Rc1+) + - [R+B+P vs N].
Eyal: <D) 30... h5 31.Rf5+ Kh7 32.Rxf8 (32.Rxg5 Rc1+) + - [R+B+P vs N].>
This line is actually winning for Black after 32...Rc1+ 33.Rf1:
33...Qf4!! with a double attack on f1 & h2.
But it's quite instructive (just like the line 30...Rc1+ 31.Rf1+?? Kh8, already mentioned several times) - since one of the interesting features of this combination is that White's king position is quite perilous, so he might easily be the one succumbing to Black's attack if he isn't super-alert.
Patriot: <agb2002> Very well done!! I didn't see the resource you found in <A)> (32.Re1 Qh4).
In <A.1.c)> I think your line is winning which is "good enough". 33...Rf7 34.Ra8+ Qd8 35.Rxd8# leaves no argument.
I calculated <B)> and <C> lines but didn't record it. Apparently I had forgotten those lines.
I completely missed the ...h5 defense.
Good job on such an accurate analysis!
Patriot: <Eyal> I think you are correct about line <D)>. But still most of his analysis is very accurate. |
dufferps: I can't help wondering why Sherwin didn't play 30. ... Ne3. How would Fisher answer that? Discovered check is spoiled by Nxd5, and meanwhile black threatens Qxg2# |
Sastre: <dufferps: I can't help wondering why Sherwin didn't play 30. ... Ne3. How would Fisher answer that?>
30...Ne3 31.Qxe3 Rc1+ (31...Qxe3 32.Rf5+; 31...Rxe3 32.Rf5+) 32.Qxc1 Qxc1+ 33.Rf1+ wins.
LoveThatJoker: <Eyal: The interesting thing about the 33.Qc8+ line is not that it's objectively best, but rather that it explains why 30...h5 is so much better for Black than 30...h6.>
As I said earlier, the 33. Qc8+ line is worthy of being investigated, no question; there is no problem with this whatsoever. This said, Eyal, I thank you for your note here.
<Eyal: (Btw - in both cases, of course, the idea is to meet 31.Qf1, as played in the game, with 31...Kh7 - when 32.Rxf8 is met by 32...Rc1)>
I definitely saw ideas similar to this when I was solving the puzzle: That's how I found 30. Rxf7 Rc1+ 31. Qf1 h5 32. Qxc1!, which turned out to be what actually transpired in the game.
Patriot: <LTJ> Well said! I think you both have valid points, but I have to side with you on this.
Houdini (at least at 20-ply) says 30.Rxf7 is best. And even though it isn't technically winning it is quite a move because of all the tricks involved.
For me this gets down to why we do puzzles. I do them because I want to improve as an analyst and get better at finding the best move OTB. This position is rich in possibilities because of dual back rank weaknesses and discovered checks and forks. And in order to become a really good player, you have to learn to play with the kind of aggression Bobby Fischer demonstrated here.
Also, in order to have a fairly equal game black had to play accurately to maintain a balance. He slipped under pressure and Fischer went on to win. Would that have happened if Fischer had played the slow moving 30.Ra7? I think Fischer would've had more draws playing this way.
Eyal: Footage of 14-year-old Fischer smiling when he shows
31.Qf1 on the demonstration board can be seen
at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o2o... (from 6:50 to 6:55);
here's the image: http://www.echecs-photos.be/BobbyFi... |
<Houdini (at least at 20-ply) says 30.Rxf7 is best. And even though it isn't technically winning it is quite a move because of all the tricks involved.<>><For me this gets down to why we do puzzles. I do them because I want to improve as an analyst and get better at finding the best move OTB.<>>
agb2002: <Eyal> Yes, it seems that after 30... h5 a bit of profilaxis is necessary with 31.Rc4 Rxc4 32.Qxc4 Rxf8 33.Bxf7+ Kh7 so that the a-pawn can become a major factor.
<Patriot> Thank you, but I should have been more careful with line D.
morfishine: Yes appreciate the strength of <35.Qf5+>
thomastonk: <LTJ> Well, many things you replied are quite right, but once more
you state that I am wrong, calling the puzzle incorrect, and that is <unfriendly>. |